“Health is Wealth” 3 Billionaire Story


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Three billionaires are lying in their hospital beds, each suffering from a terminal illness. The doctor has just delivered the news and left the room, when the Angel of Death enters. The angel tells the billionaires that it has the power to save one of their lives, but in return, they must offer something of value.

The first billionaire speaks up and says, “I will give a third of my wealth to you. Please, save my life.” The second billionaire follows, saying, “I will give half of my wealth. Please, let me live.”

The third billionaire, however, offers something different. “I will give 100% of my wealth, and I will use it to help others. I will dedicate my life to making a positive impact on the world. If you give me my health and life back, I promise to use it wisely.”

The angel is moved by the third billionaire’s selfless offer and decides to grant the wish. The third billionaire is given back their health and life, and they go on to fulfill their promise, using their wealth and resources to make a difference in the world. They learn that good health and the ability to make a positive impact on others are more valuable than any amount of wealth or material possessions.

Story written by Yeshua Yireh